Six Gears Framework

Get people’s gears turning.

The Six Gears Framework represents essential elements of school and work experiences that we as humans need to thrive in these settings, supported by brain science research. When we incorporate all Six Gears in classroom experiences and school culture, students and staff are empowered, connected, and successful.


Our brains release the chemical oxytocin when we feel trust, which allows us to feel safe and empathetic toward others. Feeling trust with teachers, students, and leaders allows us to take more risks, be productive, creative, collaborative, and less stressed.


Agency is having the power to make and pursue your own choices. Our brains release the chemical dopamine when we feel in control of our decisions which feels rewarding. Having agency in learning and work increases intrinsic motivation to work hard, persevere, and enjoy learning.


Passion is a sustained interest and purpose, which is intrinsically rewarding and motivating. Pursuing our passions induces a flow state which is beneficial for our brains, and leads to better quality learning and increased creativity.


Memorable learning means that experiences, knowledge, and skills need to stick in long-term memory. We can design more memorable learning by incorporating multiple senses, connecting to people’s prior knowledge, and utilizing spaced retrieval practice with meaningful transfer.


Meaningful learning is purposeful and valuable to the learner. It connects with their prior knowledge, experiences, and interests. Making meaning is personal, cultural, and contextual, and unique to each individual.


Motivation is an underlying desire that drives behavior. Intrinsically motivational learning connects to people’s intrinsic interests and passions. It also leads to higher-quality engagement and longer-lasting learning, as opposed to extrinsic drivers like grades, discipline, prizes, and evaluations.

Activate all Six Gears in your school district with support from our team!

Professional Learning

Innovation Programs

