Podcast Episodes

Think about the big questions.

Listen to our PLP team chat with experts in the field of education about why understanding and applying brain science allows us to transform learning and leadership.

  • Cutting the Crap with Shap and Brain Expert Julia Skolnik

    December 5, 2024

    Designing learning with brain science in mind seems like a no-brainer. Then why isn’t it happening more in schools? Hear veteran teacher and positivity innovator Craig Shapiro discuss these important questions with Julia Skolnik.

  • Minimalist Educator: Imagine! Brain Science in Education!

    February 13, 2024

    Is there brain science to support a minimalist approach to teaching, learning, and leadership? Julia Skolnik discusses this interesting approach with authors of The Minimalist Teacher, Tammy Musiowsky-Borneman and Christine Arnold.

  • Connecting Education to Entrepreneurship

    July 19, 2023

    Is education in need of reform or complete revolution? Julia Skolnik talks with Kevin Stoller, CEO of Kay-Twelve about how brain science can be used to shape education, and how bridging the gap with research can make a world of difference in education.

  • Brain Myths & Facts with John Moffet Elementary

    May 30, 2023

    Students from John Moffet Elementary School in Philadelphia, PA interview Julia Skolnik about what it’s like to run a business, and whether some common ideas about the brain are actually true or not. These students ask amazing questions!

  • Get in Gear

    May 12, 2023

    PLP Partner Laurie Smith, Asst Superintendent at Perkiomen Valley School District, hosts the Viking Visions Podcast which explores educators’ passions and innovations. Laurie and Julia Skolnik talk about PLP’s vision for education, and how the Six Gears for Learning & LeadershipTM framework supports that vision.

  • Six Gears for Learning & Leadership

    March 4, 2022

    Hear Julia Skolnik and Thom Stecher discuss our Six Gears for Learning & Leadership Framework on the SEL Convergence Podcast, and how this is being used to transform practice across K-12 schools in our partner districts.

  • Impacting Your Practice Using Neuroscience

    December 13, 2021

    Listen to Superintentent of Aspen School District Dr. David Baugh and Julia Skolnik speak with Thom Stecher on the SEL Convergence Podcast about the transformational impact of neuroscience on K-12 education.

  • Insights from Brain Science for Education

    July 16, 2021

    Listen to Julia Skolnik speak with Thom Stecher on the SEL Convergence Podcast, dicussing common misconceptions and important take-aways from brain science that improve academic learning and social-emotional well-being at all ages.

Catch up on current trends in learning science research.


Let’s transform education together.